
Hearing Loss in Children
Treatment for hearing loss in children varies depending on which part of the ear it is located in. Ear infection is one of the most common causes of hearing loss in children.

Balloon Dilatation of Eustachean Tube
The channel called “Eustachian tube” provides communication between the middle ear—located behind the tympanic membrane and is filled with air under normal conditions—and the nasopharynx region locate

Otosclerosis (Calcification of the Middle Ear)
Otosclerosis, which is also known as calcification of the middle ear, is one of the most frequently seen reasons of hearing loss. Otosclerosis is a hereditary disease and may emerge after skipping a c

Stapedectomy Operation
With “Stapedectomy” surgery, stapes bone that has a limited mobility due to otosclerosis is removed and a prosthesis that can transmit the sound waves into the middle ear is placed.

Vertigo; It occurs with symptoms such as severe dizziness and loss of balance. Inner ear infection or problems in the brain cause vertigo.

Benign Positional Vertigo
Benign Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a disease in which dizziness occurs with certain head positions and is characterized by involuntary movements of the eyes (nystagmus).

Acute Ear Infections
Acute ear diseases are a fairly extensive exacerbation that begins in the middle ear. It can cause pain, vomiting, congestion, and even hearing loss.

Chronic Ear Infections
The tympanic membrane is located in the end of the outer ear canal and separates the middle ear from the outer ear (Figure).

Ear Ventilation Tubes
The Eustachian tube, opening to the both sides of the back of the nasal cavities, provides the equalization of the pressure in the middle ear with the pressure of the outer environment and middle ear

Tympanoplasty Surgery
“Tympanoplasty” surgery, applied in chronic middle ear problems is technically the cleaning of the inflammation in the middle ear and mastoid bone and repairing of the auditory system in the tympanic

Facial Paralysis
Facial paralysis; It is a nerve disease that occurs due to factors such as nerve inflammation and head trauma. Although it usually passes in a short time, in some cases it takes longer to heal.